Sound: I think this is the high point of the game, with so many interactive items in the house, all of them have there own unique sound when you use them. The character graphics should have looked so much better

Graphics: Is this an Xbox title, I can't tell with the Dreamcast graphics. It is very aggravating when the bus is out front to take you to work and your character won't move for some reason. Now with the con's, some of the camera angles are horrible, there are spots where you can't even see your player. You can customize your characters, houses and even choose where you work.

Gameplay: I'll go with the pro's first, almost everything you do in real life you can so in this game, which brings realism in games to a whole new level. Overall: I have never played the PC version, however, overall this game is fun to play but does have some issues to be taken care of.